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Some Success Stories…
Mark helped me by coaching me through challenges and creating a plan of action.
As a result, I now have a clear plan to move forward, and I am confident in myself and my plan.
Mark – our work together made it clear to me that you are doing your life’s work. You are an amazing Coach and working with you has made me a better person, a better professional, and lastly a better leader. Thanks for your commitment to help others.
Mark provided excellent communication and structure. His impact was so effective that it assured quality and independence in all roles. He also brought a very honest and trustworthy personality.
Mark has coordinated the delivery of some amazing results that are still recognised by many of the people he has touched, including my entire Activation and Billing support teams.
Mark’s coaching from the very first day allowed us to start to develop our issue resolution spreadsheets. These remain so effective that they now work as my accountability for each team member.
Mark provided direct and significant support to me personally, allowing me to take on responsibilities that greatly assisted with managing the complex breadth of activities across our entire portfolio.
Mark has a quality to attract confidence not only in himself but also by the people he is working with. This stems from his honesty and integrity in dealing with people and issues. Little wonder he is so in demand.
Mark demonstrated his ability to coach the larger team on many occasions and through multiple changes of business direction… He also had real commercial knowledge that made him a strong contributor to the success of our smaller Commercial Operations team.
Mark has always been willing to give vital coaching and feedback throughout his time with us, and we have profited from it.
Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and you have left a legacy that continues to drive benefits today. You were a breath of fresh air and welcome back anytime.
I appreciated that that Mark would use the time between sessions to examine the issues raised and give me honest feedback in the beginning of the next session.
Smart, authentic, open minded, not afraid to explore, committed to the process and willing to encourage everyone to follow on their actions. It was a very rewarding experience working with Mark, and I take away many insights from our sessions.